Art, Painting, Design - creating new, inventing new, that has always been and still is my passion to this day.
Danijel S.
The original Oil Paintings are all One-of-a-Kind.
There is only this one picture and there will be no reproduction of that Painting.
Of course it is best to get an original picture, but I know well from my own experience that sometimes one cannot afford it.
For those who would like to buy an original, I am offering an installment plan to pay off the purchase price. Without a bank - Trust starts with Trust in yourself.
Just send me an email with your interest and intentions.
My Pictures are also available on limited prints on real canvas.
I love to find solutions, especially if you want to be creative.
You may commission a painting. However, I will not simply reproduce or copy something, that is not my way. There should be a picture which fits in the context of the location and the personality of the new owner - with all the Artistic Freedom that is necessary.
My creativity has also found extraordinary expression in the past by the Creation of the fantastic WELLNESSCUBE.
For information,questions and orders please go to